After a database recovery the database does not start. In the nameserver trace it will say the following on the coordinator* nameserver
w Backup BackupStrategy_Catalog.cpp(00132) : Entry 1434852005185 already tracked!
w Backup BackupStrategy_Catalog.cpp(00118) : Unable to untrack catalog entry 1434852005185! Entry not found!
And nameservers on the other nodes cannot start their own nameserver :
e Backup Backup_Recover.cpp(00315) : exception: exception 1: no.110043 (Backup/impl/Backup_Recover.cpp:306)
Can not start the service 'nameserver' at '<server_name>:<port>' responsible for the volume '1' because an error during recovery before
exception throw location:
e Basis TREXNameServer.cpp(03704) : Process exited due to an error via explicit exit call with exit code 1 , no crash dump will be written
i assign TREXNameServer.cpp(03388) : shutdown
e NameServer TREXNameServer.cpp(14648) : Cannot retrieve coordinator* nameserver address !!!
In the backup.log the following is seen
RECOVER DATA finished with error:
recovery could not be completed, volume #, reached log position 0
- SAP HANA DB Version 1.0
- SAP HANA DB Version 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
multinode , KBA , master , slave , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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