- Can we assign proxy access for a division, department, or region (location)? This means that grant one person proxy access to everyone in a defined group.
- It would be a bonus if the defined group is dynamic.
- E.g. A Company has 12 HR, one of the HR has 50 employees reporting to him.
Can we have a mechanism where the HR can proxy to only the employees who report to him? - Also, say we add 30 new employees to this HR, can the HR gain the proxy access automatically without us having to manually do the proxy import, i.e. update the proxy import file for this HR with details of all the new employee and import it again.
- Even for an internal movement we currently need to remove the proxy access of the current HR and add proxy access for the new HR. Can this be achieved automatically without compromising security?
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions
assign proxy rights dynamically, dynamic proxy, proxy to manager , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-UM , User Management , LOD-SF-PLT-PRX , Proxy , How To
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