SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2268795 - GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES explained


Customer wants to know when to use physical, logical or cross system fields, and functionality of each deletion option available to be marked



SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


report GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES, delete all the transactional data, connector configuration in SPRO, deactivate, logical, physical, cross, rules, risks, functions, actions, resource, permission, from, to, tabs, nwbc, access management, access rule summary,gracuseractvl, gracuserprmvl, gracuseractvlext, gracuserprmvlext, gracroleactvl, gracroleprmvl, gracroleactvlext, gracrolecrpvl, gracroleprmvlext, gracprofileactvl, gracprofileprmvl, gracprofactvlext, gracprofilecrpvl, gracprofprmvlext, grachrobjactvl, grachrobjprmvl, gracmgriskd, gracrolemgvcount, gracusermgmtsum, gracusermgvcount, gracmgalerts, gracprofmgmtsum, gracprofmgvcount, gracrolemgmtsum, gracalhdr, gracaldetails, gracalactlog, gracmitmsmpvali, gracmitobject, gracmitprof, gracmitrole, gracmitroleorg, gracmituser, gracmitusergp, gracmituserorg,gracfuncact, gracfuncactext, gracfuncprm, gracfuncprmext, gracfuncprmextn, graccrrole, graccrrolet, graccrprofile, gracsysrule, gracactrulhdr, gracactrule, gracactruleext, critical role profiile, user, role hr object, truncate, erase, remove, clear, active, inactive, generate, generated, violation, synchronization, mitigation, matrix, sod, connector group, SOD-CROSS, SOD-LOG, dump TSV_TNEW_OCCURS_NO_ROLL_MEMORY, Rule Book Transport, Redundant data   , KBA , obsolete , obsolete connector , orphan , delete connector data , delete ruleset , connector , ruleset mismatch , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , How To

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