- Select query with explicit or implict 'Group by' over a column with an empty string value can result in a non-fatal stacktrace in opt_QueryExp.cxx
- Error Message:
There was an error reading the results of the SQL statement.
The displayed results may be incorrect or incomplete.
IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support.
(opt_QueryExp.cxx 309)
SQLCODE=-1006000, ODBC 3 State="HY000" - Stack Trace:
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 ** at opt_QueryExp.cxx:309 on thread 559647040 (TID 118)
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 **
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e19b886 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*,int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e19bac1 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x111
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e19d053 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x313
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2ddd53e2 df_Exception::df_Exception(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode, char const*, char const*, dfo const*, df_Evaluable const*)+0x442
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2ddd6e19 df_Exception::ThrowException_0(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode)+0x39
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e288983 opt_QueryExp::ComputeMaxHashRows(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int) const+0x203
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e262208 opt_GroupNode::GatherGroupingMetaData()+0x228
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e2a46b1 opt_QueryTree::ProcessQueryTree()+0x81
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e2b07af opt_Select::GenerateDFOs (df_Heap*, opt_QueryExp*)+0x1af
I. 01/18 12:04:56. 0000226609 pc: 0x2abb2e25b19f opt_Driver::GenerateTree (QueryNode*, st_cursor*)+0xc0f
SAP IQ 15.4
SAP Sybase IQ 15.4
Sybase IQ ; 716563 ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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