After upgrading to Solution Manager 7.1 SP13:
- The format of the EWA email title has changed, and
- You are also missing the colour of the EWA rating (i.e. green, yellow, or red).
Before upgrading to Solution Manager 7.1 SP13, you noticed that the format your EWA email titles were:
"SID - Rating (Colour) - SAP Early Watch Alert", e.g. "ABC - Critical (Yellow) - SAP Early Watch Alert"
After upgrading to Solution Manager 7.1 SP13, you noticed that the format of your EWA email titles changed to:
"SID_Rating (_SAP EarlyWatch Alert", e.g. "ABC_Critical (_SAP Early Watch Alert"
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP13
EWA email title, EWA email subject, email title is truncated, email title is incomplete, missing EWA rating, email title format , KBA , SV-SMG-SER-EWA , EarlyWatch Alert , Problem
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