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2269820 - DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports Invalid Column Length errors on syscomments in sybsystemprocs after installing or upgrading to ASE 16.0 SP02 PL02


  • DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports "Invalid Column Length" errors on the syscomments table in the sybsystemprocs database after installing or upgrading to ASE 16.0 SP02 PL02:

use sybsystemprocs
dbcc checktable(syscomments)
Checking table 'syscomments' (object ID 6): Logical page size is 2048 bytes. 
Checking partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) of table 'syscomments'. The logical page size of this table is 2048 bytes. 

Invalid column length 255 found for column, column ID 11, row ID 2, page number 5832, partition ID 6. The length is greater than the expected maximum column length 4.
....<snip repeating errors on other pages not shown>...
The total number of data pages in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) is 3563.

Partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) has 21823 data rows.
The total number of empty pages (with all deleted rows) in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) is 0.
The total number of pages in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) which could be garbage collected to free up some space is 2.
The total number of deleted rows in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) is 1.
The total number of pages in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) with more than 50 percent garbage is 0.
The total number of pages in partition 'syscomments_6' (partition ID 6) with more than 50 percent insert free space is 5.

  • In total there are 42 Errors that will show the same column ID but will vary by page number and row ID.
  • The object IDs for the problem rows belong to the system stored procedures, sp_hidetext and sp_aux_text.
  • It has occurred after upgrading to ASE 16.0 but also has been visible in these releases ASE 15.7 SP134, SP135, and SP136.



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP01 PL02, SP02 PL01, SP02 PL02 but may not be limited
  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)  15.7 SP134, SP135, SP136


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


sp_hidetext, installmaster,  794882,  CR794882 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed

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