SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2270608 - Size of table GRACUSERPRMVL impacts performance


This KBA will suggest tuning steps to improve run times of the Batch Risk Analysis, repository object sync, etc, assuming the user violations table GRACUSERPRMVL is very large and is impacting performance.



SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


tuning, dump, time out, stuck, bra, sod risk analysis, user level, execution time, millhion, entries, se16, very long time, huge time, exclude, risk analysis, adhoc, ad-hoc, off-line, offline, gracrlprmvl, gracroleprmvl, gracuseractvl, GRACUSERPRMVL, all risks, Batch Risk Analysis, Number of Entries, very large, huge, performance, GRAC_BATCH_RISK_ANALYSIS, SAT,  1023, Permission level, 1030, 1031, Critical Access Rules, critical roles, critical profiles, improve, GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES, Delete Violation data for Physical and Cross Systems, DB Update statistics, violation, rule deletion, 2168653, Deadlock, Dump, DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR, TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED, SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE, SYSTEM NO ROLL, memory GRAC_DELETE_VIOLATION_DATA, database size

database size
, KBA , graccritilvl , grachrobjactvl , grachrobjcrpvl , grachrobjprmvl , gracprofileactvl , gracprofilecrpvl , gracprofileprmvl , gracroleactvl , gracrolecmplvl , gracrolecrpvl , gracroleorglvl , gracroleprmvl , gracuserprmvl , gracusercrpvl , gracuseractvl , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , How To

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