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2270615 - ASE fails with Error 930 when changing charset and sortorder if database created "for load" - SAP ASE


  • When changing the default character set and sort order, ASE rebuilds indexes in all recovered databases using the new character set and sort order, and then it fails with Error 930.
  • The old character sets and sort order is restored.
  • ASE errorlog shows the following messages:

Recovery complete.
Now loading ASE's new default sort order and character set
Checking table 'sysobjects' (object ID 1): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysobjects_1' (partition ID 1) of table 'sysobjects'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'systypes' (object ID 4): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'systypes_4' (partition ID 4) of table 'systypes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysusers' (object ID 10): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysusers_10' (partition ID 10) of table 'sysusers'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysreferences' (object ID 16): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysreferences_16' (partition ID 16) of table 'sysreferences'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Checking table 'sysattributes' (object ID 21): Logical page size is 4096 bytes.
Checking partition 'sysattributes_21' (partition ID 21) of table 'sysattributes'. The logical page size of this table is 4096 bytes.
Rebuilding indexes for model..sysattributes.
Non-clustered index restored for model..sysattributes.
Error: 930, Severity: 14, State: 1
Database 'mydb' cannot be opened because either an earlier system termination left LOAD DATABASE incomplete or the database is created with 'for load' option. Load the database or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
Error: 3434, Severity: 20, State: 1
Cannot change sortorder. Server shutting down.  Restart to continue with sortorder unchanged.
ueshutdown: exiting



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
  • ASE contains a database that was created with the "for load" option but hasn't yet been loaded.


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7


795029, CR795029, charset, sortorder , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed

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