- The repository was recently upgraded from SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.1 to SAP PowerDesigner 16.5. Models from one branch to another are now being integrated and it has been observed that, under certain conditions, the model version increases. However, if a model Integration is canceled, the model's version does not decrease.
- As a result, an empty (no timestamp, no comments, etc.), unfrozen, unwanted "v+1" version is created. A deletion of the version needs to be requested before performing Integrate again. Note: the same empty version will be created if a Check In is interrupted, canceled, or fails.
- Why does this happen?
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP PowerDesigner 16.5
- SAP Sybase PowerDesigner 16.1
SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP Sybase PowerDesigner 16.1
canceled , update, consolidate, extraction, change list, checkin, check in , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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