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2272281 - AS Java does not start because corrupted JVM


You attempt to start the Application Server Java, but it fails. In the log files from the work folder no errors can be found. However, the startsap command shows the following or similar entries:

<Instance>: <SID>adm> startsap
Checking db Database
Error: no known VMs. (check for corrupt jvm.cfg file)
J2EE Database is not available via test
See logfile /home/<SID>adm/JdbcCon.log
Database db must be started on remote server
Log on to remote server and start database



SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java.


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions


no known VMs, jvm.cfg, corrupt jvm, Checking db Database, AS Java start, startsap , KBA , BC-JVM , SAP Java Virtual Machine , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , Problem

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