You are using SOAP AXIS Adapter and the Receiver Communication Channel fails with the exception below: org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: handler.type is not set org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: handler.type is not set
If you run the XPI Inspector Tool with example 50, according to SAP note 1514898 - XPI Inspector for troubleshooting XI, you will get results like the one below:
- SAP Process Integration
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
axis, modules, error, exception, case sensitive, adapter modules, adapter engine, configuring, HandlerBean, handler.type, not set, soap, process integration, process orchestration, po, pi, communication channel, configuration, communication channel, receiver, xi, adapter modules , KBA , BC-XI-CON-AXS , Axis Extention for SOAP Adapter , BC-XI-CON , Connectivity , BC-XI-CON-SOP , SOAP Adapter , Problem
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