The creation of a long text for an activity is currently not possible. In /SMERP/CL_PM_NOTIFICATION_DO method /SYCLO/IF_CORE_DO_HANDLER~CREATE (in Line 384) the first four digits of the objkey are compared to the item_key of the notification item. The field objkey of the Long text should be composed of the item sort number (first four digits) and the activity sort number (last four digits).
The longtext cannot be assigned to the activity in the called BAPI if the item sort number and the item number differ.
Work Manager 6.1
SMP 3.0 SP 08 PL1
SMERP 610_700 SP04
SMFMD 610_700 SP 04
longtext, activity, notification , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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