- The IS-U archiving process for 'Billing Document Header' with archiving object ISU_BILL was started.
- The write report REAARCH_READ_HEAD ends with error message 00564 'Job cancelled after system exception'.
- In the job log the error message EMDUS600 'Customizing not maintained for archiving MDUS request data' is displayed.
- Release: SAP R/3 4.6C and following
- SAP IS-U/CCS - Industry Solution for Utilities / Customer Care & Service
- FI-CA - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FP-ARCH, EMDUS-600, 600(EMDUS), EMDUS 600, REAARCH_READ_LINES, REAARCH_DELETE_LINES, REAARCH_RELOAD_LINES, REAARCH_READ_HEAD01, IEAARCH_DELETE_HEAD01, EMDUSDARCH, ARCHIVECONTROL, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Archivierung, Archivierungsobjekt, Abrechnungsbelegkopf, Schreiblauf, Abbruch, Fehlermeldung, Job wurde nach System-Exception ERROR_MESSAGE abgebrochen, Customizing für Archivieren der MDUS-Anfragedaten nicht gepflegt, AMI Funktionalität , KBA , IS-U-TO-ARC , Archiving , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-U-BI , Contract Billing , Problem
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