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2273195 - EVDRE report fails to retrieve data with measure


  • On EPM BPC-MS 10.1 SP04, with EPM-Addin, when refreshing any EVDRE report having MEASURES (YTD or PERIODIC) on Columns or Rows, there is no data retreived.
  • No error is raised from EPM-Addin, but when checking from BPC side, the following error is shown in the BPC log:

    ==============[System Exception Tracing]============== [System Name] : SQE [Message Type] : ErrorMessage [Job Name] : clsDataQuery::SetResultTuplePosition [DateTime] : 01/19/2016 15:14:24 [UserId] : UserXXXX
    [Exception] DetailMsg :
    {Error: System.InvalidOperationException: Object waarvoor null is toegestaan, moet een waarde hebben. bij System.Nullable`1.get_Value () bij
    DataService.OSoft.Services.Webservice.SharedQueryEngine.clsDataQuery.SetResultTuplePosition(List`1& m_tuples, CResultAxis& m_axis, Hashtable&hashValidPosition)}
    ==============[System Exception Tracing End ]



  • SAP Business Planning and Consolidation for the Microsoft platform version 10.1 SP04 (EPM BPC-MS)
  • EPM Excel Add-in version 10 onwards including Support Packages


SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for Microsoft


No data returned, Tuple, SQE engine, Refresh EVDRE, SetResultTuplePosition, SharedQueryEngine, clsDataQuery , KBA , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , Problem

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