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2273228 - Error 1637 - SSL fails to start listener after upgrade to latest version - SAP ASE prior to 15.7 SP121


Upgrading to the latest version of ASE from any version of ASE prior to 15.7 SP121 causes SSL listener to fail with messages similiar to:

kernel  All attempts to load certificate files for SSL local identity have failed, ASE is unable to establish any SSL connections.
server  Error: 1637, Severity: 16, State: 2
server  Could not initialize SSL master context.
kernel  Cannot allocate resources for listener with protocol ssltcp, host HOSTNAME, port ####.



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.x prior to 15.7 SP121


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5


openssl, OpenSSL, "Open SSL", PKCS8, PKCS12 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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