- You deallocate an order or an activity in a given Resource, and then open the Product Planning Table (/SAPAPO/PPT1)
- You notice that the order quantity for the deallocated order is not considered at the Production View: Periodic chart
- The same order is displayed in the Product View: Periodic chart
- SAP Supply Chain Managment Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (SCM-APO-PPS)
PPT, PPT1, /SAPAPO/PPT1, /SAPAPO/SDPT, Product Planning Table, Product View: Periodic, Production View, Production View: Periodic, unplanned, deallocated, GC_PLANNED_ONLY, GC_UNPLANNED_ONLY, GC_PLAN_STAT_ALL, COLLECT_DATA_RP, /SAPAPO/LRRP_GRIDFR2, gc_capa_planned_act, gc_capa_unplanned_act, , KBA , deallocated order hidden , deallocated order missed , deallocated order is not displayed , deallocated order does not show , deallocated order does not appear , deallocated order not showed , deallocated order is missing , SCM-APO-PPS-PPT , Product Planning Table , Problem
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