SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2273484 - SFAPI upsert/update for JobRequisition$XXX fails ; Root cause: "Fieldname" is invalid for picklist


You are trying to upsert/update a picklist field using the SFAPI JobRequisition$XXX entity.

Below error is thrown:

Exception occured on jobRequisition with the guid :"XXXX" . Root cause: "fieldname" is invalid for picklist "picklist-id"



Successfactors System

Reproducing the Issue

The below sample explains how the error can be re-produced.

SOAP Request

<soapenv:Header />

In the above Soap request, OptionId for the field "status" is being entered. The Soap response with error for the same is shown below.

SOAP Response
        <message />
          <message>Exception occured on jobRequisition with the guid : null. Root cause: status is invalid for picklist jobReqStatus</message>


You have used the OptionId/external_code for the picklist field in the update/upsert soap request.


Please use en_US values in the soap request to perform an update/upsert to the picklist fields in JobRequisition$XXX entity.

An example is shown below.

  SOAP Request

<soapenv:Header />

SOAP Response
        <message />
          <message xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />

See Also

How to check the values available in en_US ?

Navigate to Admin Centre -> Picklists Management -> Export picklist and check the values (screenshot of the same below)



Update fails on JobRequisition$XXX entity Root cause: "Fieldname" is invalid for picklist. , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-RCM , RCM-Any Integration , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite 1511