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2273610 - SAP IQ16 : 'Drop table' takes long execution time and Blocking status.


  Command 'Drop table' took long between 3~5 minues and it hold server locks which blocks other operations. Because of this, new connections are not established.
  If drop table finished, new iq session can connect. DBA said "alter table " command looks same too.  After Coordi-server was re-started and under single user mode, 
  like this degradation can be reproduced easily in customer system
  For example, I saw the following in the iqmsg file:
     I. 01/29 10:33:23. 0000000032 Cmt 247923537
     I. 01/29 10:33:23. 0000000032 PostCmt 0
     I. 01/29 10:36:26. 0000074641 Cmt 247923538  <<== No activity for last 3 mins
     I. 01/29 10:36:26. 0000074641 PostCmt 0
  It looks such long dropping time may be caused by some following scenarios
      - when a table has large allocated space, 
      - something elase. 
  Below table is real elapse time on customer system.
          table      #column   #table_size(K)    #rows      granted_count   elapse_time
       -------------  -------    ---------------  --------------  -------------      --------------
       TETABDP11    87         9,219,056      44,965,199        21                  03:05
       TETABDP12    120     49,544,456     228,717,088      278                  06:17
       TETABDP14    99           219,008         1,025,769      238                  00:06
     (*'granted_count' : number of grant permissions related to the table )





SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 ; Sybase IQ 12.7


'Drop table' ; blocking ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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