- Create a new service with ServiceAdmin.cmd for Replication Agent for MS SQL Server on Windows 2012R2.
- Try to start the RAM with the service, it does not work.
- Although, RAM instance starts up just fine in command window.
- Crashinfo in hs_err_pidxxxx.log under <SAP>/RAX-15_5/<RAM_Instance>/
# A fatal error has been detected by the SAP Java Virtual Machine:
# Internal Error (interpreter/interpreter.hpp:112), pid=1576, tid=1600
# guarantee(codelet_size > 0 && (size_t)codelet_size > 2*K) failed: not enough space for interpreter generation
# JRE version: 7.0_25
# Java VM: SAP Java Server VM (7.1.011 23.5-b11 Jul 14 2013 23:45:56 - 71_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:200241 (mixed mode) compressed oops)
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# Please save the hs_err file(s) and the written dmp file for further error analysis
# See SAP note 1500116 for further information on collecting core dumps after SAPJVM crashes
#Date: 2016-01-06 Time: 23:59:00
Process did run for 0 milliseconds.--------------- B u i l d I n f o ---------------
compile date/time: Jul 14 2013 23:40:37
sapjvm release: 7
sap_platform: NTAMD64
platform: windows
arch: amd64
codeline: 71_REL
hs bld trgt: "product"
build user: "makefact"
last change: 200241
build id: 7.1.011
Compiler (_MSC_VER): 1400
C-Runtime: multithreaded dynamic release
--------------- N a t i v e C r a s h i n f o ---------------Stack:
SP PC RetPC Symbol
0: 0x000000dbfcedbce0 0x000000006db23bc3 0x000000006dafe877 jvm::os::pd_print_crashinfo + 83 bytes in os_windows.cpp:7890
1: 0x000000dbfcedc200 0x000000006dafe877 0x000000006db043a3 jvm::VMError::report + 7351 bytes in vmerror.cpp:1042
2: 0x000000dbfcedcb50 0x000000006db043a3 0x000000006daf238a jvm::VMError::report_and_die + 1971 bytes in vmerror.cpp:2322
3: 0x000000dbfcedcd60 0x000000006daf238a 0x000000006d6d1273 jvm::report_vm_error + 314 bytes in debug.cpp:380
4: 0x000000dbfcedceb0 0x000000006d6d1273 0x000000006d6e9db6 jvm::CodeletMark::CodeletMark + 179 bytes in interpreter.hpp:127
5: 0x000000dbfcedcf10 0x000000006d6e9db6 0x000000006d6ea18c jvm::TemplateInterpreterGenerator::set_entry_points + 86 bytes in templateinterpreter.cpp:443
6: 0x000000dbfcedd1a0 0x000000006d6ea18c 0x000000006d6ed00f jvm::TemplateInterpreterGenerator::set_entry_points_for_all_bytes + 76 bytes in templateinterpreter.cpp:419
7: 0x000000dbfcedd1d0 0x000000006d6ed00f 0x000000006dba0ac6 jvm::TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_all + 11759 bytes in templateinterpreter.cpp:397
8: 0x000000dbfcedd440 0x000000006dba0ac6 0x000000006d6e9c81 jvm::InterpreterGenerator::InterpreterGenerator + 22 bytes in templateinterpreter_x86_64.cpp:1996
9: 0x000000dbfcedd470 0x000000006d6e9c81 0x000000006d6d0e19 jvm::TemplateInterpreter::initialize + 257 bytes in templateinterpreter.cpp:56
10: 0x000000dbfcedd550 0x000000006d6d0e19 0x000000006d8b0267 jvm::interpreter_init + 9 bytes in interpreter.cpp:136
11: 0x000000dbfcedd580 0x000000006d8b0267 0x000000006d8f4d70 jvm::init_globals + 119 bytes in init.cpp:119
12: 0x000000dbfcedd5f0 0x000000006d8f4d70 0x000000006d794e34 jvm::Threads::create_vm + 2160 bytes in thread.cpp:5500
13: 0x000000dbfcedda70 0x000000006d794e34 0x00007ff7b9d520b6 jvm::JNI_CreateJavaVM + 116 bytes in jni.cpp:5269
14: 0x000000dbfceddab0 0x00007ff7b9d520b6 0x00007fff302013d2 ContainerService::????
- SAP Replication Server Option (RSO) for Microsoft SQL Server 15.7.1 SP209
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1
- Microsoft Windows 2012R2
Replication Agent, RA, RAM, MSSQL , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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