You have finished the initial load for object R3_VEHICLE, but the initial load for object R3_VEHI_BUPAREL and R3_VEHI_HISTORY always remains in Running status in R3AM1. The issue only happens on this two object.
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
Logistics Execution, Vehicle Management System (VMS), Vehicle, individual object, Iobject, filters must be the same as the filters applied to the vehicles. , KBA , CRM-MD-PRO-OBJ-IF , Data Exchange , CRM-MW , Middleware , CRM-MW-ADP , Middleware Adapter , IS-A-VMS , Vehicle Management System , CRM-MD-PRO-IF , Data Exchange , Problem
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