EC Reports : difference between Job information (Data Range) and Person & Employment information (As of Date)
- SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Report Table
- ORD Online Report Designer - Live Data
A. Job Information (Date Range)
Reporting on employee data within a given date range, driven by Job Information
- Consists of fields from Job Information, Employment Information and Job Relationship Info
- Columns shown for Employment Information have Employment Info Label prefixed to each column name
- Columns shown for Job Relationships are derived from Job Relationship Picklist
- Column name is defined as Picklist value + Job Relationship Label + Name / Last Modified on
- Order of fields is Job Info, Employment Info, Job Relationship
- Default Date Range for this schema is : Start Date = Current Date - 1 Year, End Date = Current Date + 1 Year
- Report retrieves all the records that fall under the specified date range
Special attention:
At least 1 field from Job Info view needs to be selected in order to fetch expected results
For example:
Reporting all job information and status changes within the give date period, e.g: 01/01/2012 and 07/01/2013 (mm/DD/yyyy)
B. Person and Employment Info (as of date) :
Reporting on employee data as of a given date (today by default unless specified)
- Consists of fields from Job Information, Employment Information and Job Relationship Info
- Columns shown for Employment Information have Employment Info Label prefixed to each column name
- Columns shown for Job Relationships are derived from Job Relationship Picklist
- Column name is defined as Picklist value + Job Relationship Label + Name / Last Modified on
- Order of fields is Job Info, Employment Info, Job Relationship
- Report retrieves 1 record for each user (currently active record of the user)
Special attention:
In case of multiple records on a single day, most recent record is picked
For example:
- Report on an employee’s HR information as of a particular date;
- Reporting all employees hired as of a certain date
- Can also report on future dates, an example would be running a Termination report on 01/01/yyyy to see how many future dated Terminations are set to take place As Of Date 31/01/yyyy.
difference, Job information, Data Range, Person, Employment information, As of Date, Adhoc, ORD, Online Report Designer , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ADH , Adhoc Reports & Report Builder , Problem