SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2276460 - People Scope/Target Population Behaviour for Learning Schema in Online Report Designer/Report Canvas


This KB article explains the Online Report Designer > Report Canvas > People Scope feature

Note: This feature is available for Managers only.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

While we create a LMS-ORD Report, we could find that:

Learning domain available for People scope also called User domains.

Not available for People Scope, Admin domains.


LMS System has it's own Permission Settings, will not follow the BizX RBP Settings.


Brief Summary:

  • Learning ORD reports will return data based on the LMS permission and role assigned to the User.
  • The report result differs depending on the sub domain used to build the report on.
  • The admin ORD reports are based on admin domains (Curriculum Item Status, Follow Up Evaluation, Item Cost And Order Information, Item Evaluation, Item Progress, Learning Item Assignment and History, Program Status, Scheduled Offerings Registration) access and it uses the LMS domain privileges.
  • For report based on admin domains the admin user can see all the data which is accessible via LMS as admin user.
  • The user ORD reports are based on user domains (User Curriculum Item Status, User Item Progress, User Learning Item Assignment And History, User Scheduled Offerings Registration) access and supervisor LMS role be based on people scope.
  • For the ‘User’ domains, when the people scope is enabled, it will restrict the data to the Manager reports. For example, direct reports or further levels down. It will not provide data for peers or level up hierarchy. For example, it will not show manager or peers data.

How to see the "People scope" option:

  1. Connect to Online Report designer using the Analytics or Reporting tab then Analytics or Reporting.
    Equivalent of Steps 1-3  if you have Report Center enabled :
    Access the Reporting Tab > New > Report - Canvas > Add A List Component > Edit the Component > Select Detailed Reporting as the Data source> start a new query

  2. Select Detailed Reporting, to access to the query designer (If you don't see this option, you need to contact your local administrator to get access) - You should see the following screenshot
  3. Select "Live" data to see the Learning schema


  4. Expand "Learning" to open all Metrics available.
    If you don't see anything in Learning, you need to contact your local administrator as you require Learning Permission (called Workflow) to be able to report on Learning Data - You should have the following Screenshot

  5. Drag and Drop the field you want to report on. Note: In this case, this user doesn't have permission to see Learning data.
  6. Select "Edit"
  7. The "People Scope" feature will be displayed but "Grey" as this user doesn't have enough permission. Please read the following section to understand how People Scope behave.

     How to use "People Scope"?:

People scope is only available on the “User” reports of Learning subdomain schemas in ORD.  
This means that it only applies to the user reporting relationships in terms of who I can see similar to the user side LMS reports.

E.g : In the following Screenshot, If I am a supervisor. The people scope will allow me to filter on those that report up to me through the various levels indicated, but if I am not the supervisor of a particular group, people scope has no bearing as I am not allowed to see other teams data.  The ORD subdomain schemas that are based on my Admin view (LMS Domains) of records are the ones that do NOT start with the word user.  Those however do not have people scope filtering, because people scope is already defined in your domain access in the LMS of who you can report on, and they can use org filtering from that end of it.

For the ‘User’ domains, when the people scope is enabled, it will restrict the data to the Manager reports. For example, direct reports or further levels down.
It will not provide data for peers or level up hierarchy. For example, it will not show manager or peers data.


  • Team Manager

Team Manager.png

Learning domain available for People scope also called User domains:

  • User Curriculum Item Status
  • User Item Progress
  • User Learning Item Assignment And History
  • User Scheduled Offerings Registration

 Not available for People Scope, Admin domains:

  • Curriculum Item Status
  • Follow Up Evaluation
  • Item Cost And Order Information
  • Item Evaluation
  • Item Progress
  • Learning Item Assignment and History
  • Program Status
  • Scheduled Offerings Registration

Training Videos

Online Report Designer, Part 14: LMS data in the Online Report Designer


SuccessFactors User assistance Documentation:

Learning Data in Online Report Designer


sf, success factors, LMS, WFA, ANA, work force, ORD, implementation, Target, Population, center, RBP, admin, user , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ORD , Online Report Designer , LOD-SF-LMS-ORD , Online Report Designer , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions