- DSO Request deletion or rollback in a BW on HANA system fails with error message 'error in database-internal rollback (see longtext) Message no. RSODSO_ROLLBACK259'
- At the time of the BW error on the HANA database in the Indexserver trace file you see an error similar to the following:
Allocation failed ; $size$=419209728; $name$=VectorColumn; $type$=pool; $inuse_count$=1466; $allocated_size$=246514970520 (1000002)
[50092]{312689}[113/1061180994] 2016-01-25 18:11:13.291752 e bw_datastore DSOMain.cpp(00697): DataStoreObject(SAPSID:/BIC/XXXXXXXX100):
rollbackPersisted Rolling back requests [ODSR_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXX,] caught DSOException: DSORemoteException from server
'SERVERNAME:PORT' exception 1000002:ltt/impl/memory.cpp:86 Allocation failed ; $size$=419209728; $name$=VectorColumn; $type$=pool;
$inuse_count$=1466; $allocated_size$=246514970520(1000002)ABAP messages: [{msgid: 'RSODSO_IMOACT', msgno: '000', msgty: 'E', msgv1:
'exception 1000002:ltt/impl/memory.cpp:86
SAP HANA Database 1.0
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
Delete Request ID from Datastore Object; Package size; rollback requests; memory; , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , BW-WHM-DBA-DSO , DataStore Object (classic) , Problem
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