- You are using SAP Provisioning Framework AS Java connector.
- After provisioning to an AS Java repository (backend type is DB), you find the user validity is added a time offset value according to the AS Java system time zone. For example,
Valid from Valid to IDM MX_VALIDFROM=2015-10-01 MX_VALIDTO=2015-10-31 AS Java Start Date of Account Validity:2015/10/01 9:00:00 (Japan Standard Time) End Date of Account Validity: 2015/11/01 8:59:59 (Japan Standard Time)
- SAP Identity Management 8.0
- SAP NetWeaver Identity Management 7.2
SAP Identity Management 8.0 ; SAP NetWeaver Identity Management 7.2
ToSPML pass, datetime, UTC offset. , KBA , BC-IAM-IDM , Identity Management , Problem
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