As per the guidelines in Jam Admin Guide, it is advised to generate a new client secret while performing the LMS (Learning) SAP Jam integration.
This article explains the importance of generating it and its implications.
- The way SAP Jam and SuccessFactors Learning are integrated is via OAuth client certificate.
- There is one certificate (also known as client secret) maintained by SuccessFactors Learning, and is shared among all its OAuth clients.
- SAP Jam is an example OAuth client.
- You may have other OAuth clients, either another SuccessFactors module or a third-party module, that need to access data in SuccessFactors Learning. If so, whenever you regenerate the SuccessFactors client secret, be sure to also update the corresponding secret in other clients so they continue to work.
- The client secret is not used by SSO for SuccessFactors Foundation or firewall rules.
- Alternatively, if you happen to have saved the current client secret elsewhere (e.g. in a file that you keep secretly), you don't need to regenerate it for the purpose of setting up the new integration with SAP Jam.
- You just need to paste in the existing client secret into the SAP Jam configuration screen, per the instructions in the Administration guide
KBA , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , LOD-SF-JAM-LMS , Integration with LMS , How To
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