The PDF preview functionality in product cockpit does not render Chinese and Japanese characters. Instead the data is displayed as blank. PDF has been generated for the same product in chinese, japanese and german language. Data is displayed properly for german lanuage, but for chinese and japanese language, data is blank.
The issue was reproduced on OOTB hybris from 5.2 to 5.7, but I think all versions might have the same problem.
SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.7 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5-1 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.6 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.4 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.5 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.6 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.7 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.8 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.0 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.1 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.1.1
hybris,product cockpit,pdf,chinese,japanese,fonts , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-CKP-APP , Applications , How To
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