Work process trace contains errors with shmat() where the error is "Permission denied"
I *** ERROR => shmat(12582970,0x(nil),SHM_RND) (13: Permission denied) [shmux.c 1591]
I *** ERROR => shmctl(12582970,IPC_RMID,0) 0xfffffffffffe7b8) (1: Not owner) [shmux.c 1602]
I *** ERROR => Shm Pool Create Error. PoolKey=10, Key=11. [shmux.c 2101]
At the same time, the dispatcher trace may contain entries such as:
*** ERROR => e=13 semop(14680279,(0,-1,4096),1) (13: Permission denied) [semux.c 567]
*** ERROR => CCMS: AlCreateAttachShm_Doublestack : lock semaphore returns 1 [alxxappl.c 1620]
*** ERROR => CCMS: sAlInit: could not create/attach shared memory key 73 (rtc = 253) [alxx.c 1216]
- SAP NetWeaver All versions
- Unix and Linux systems running SAP
shmat, shmctl, semop, permission denied, cleanipc, showipc , KBA , BC-OP-AIX , IBM AIX , BC-OP-LNX , Linux , BC-OP-HPX , HP-UX , BC-OP-SUN , SUN Solaris , Problem
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