Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error "slib/s_barray.cxx:5377" occurred at every execution of a specific batch job.
It worked fine under 16.0 SP10.03 and started occurring after applying IQ patch 16.0 SP10.08.
[problematic query]
SELECT T.COL004, T.COL001 , T.COL005, T.COL006, T.COL007, T.COL008, T.COL009
( select COL004, COL001 , COL005, COL006,
COL007, COL008, COL009
from OWNER001.TAB002
where COL004 = v_COL004
AND ( (COL005 >= V001 or COL006 >=
OR (COL007 >= V001 or COL008 >= V001
OR COL009 >= V001
) T
WHERE (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND
ISNULL(T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(
T.COL008, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001)
OR (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(
T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL008, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 )
OR (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(
T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL008, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 )
OR (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(
T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL008, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001)
OR (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL
(T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL008, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 )
OR (ISNULL(T.COL006, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL
(T.COL005, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL008, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL007, 1111-01-01 ) = 1111-01-01 AND ISNULL(T.
COL009, 1111-01-01 ) >= V001)
) X
WHERE ISNULL(X.COL005, 1111-01-01 )>= V001
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> IQ Internal error on PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookahead recid: 31404463
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> COL008
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> curPage:0, lookupSize:128, startRecid:32648385, endRecid:32743616
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> _batchPrefetchList:
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> [0]: start_recid:32648385, end_recid:32743616, page_id:16730, sBufPtr:0000000000000000, upper:3161065865084928, lower:1742829009240064, i
sIMPage:0, block:9799832789158216026, pageEndRecid:32743616
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> [1]: start_recid:32743617, end_recid:32838848, page_id:16793, sBufPtr:0000000000000000, upper:3161065865084928, lower:1742829009240064, i
sIMPage:0, block:9799832789158216089, pageEndRecid:32838848
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> [2]: start_recid:32838849, end_recid:32934080, page_id:16852, sBufPtr:0000000000000000, upper:3161065865084928, lower:1742829009240064, i
sIMPage:0, block:9799832789158216148, pageEndRecid:32934080
--(Locater:6000003f861786b8,tid:2009)--> [127]: start_recid:0, end_recid:0, page_id:18446744073709551615, sBufPtr:0000000000000000, upper:0, lower:0, isIMPage:0, block:0, pageEnd
** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at slib/s_barray.cxx:5377 on thread 2009 (TID 2000)
** Please report this to SAP IQ support
** with the following diagnostic information,
** and, if possible, with the user's command.
** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 3475 SA connID: 59 IQ connID: 0000023004 User: user001
** Time of error: 2016-02-15 16:39:10
** IQ Version: SAP IQ/
** OS info: IQ built on: ITANIUM/HP-UXi 11.31, Executed on: HP-UX/host001/B.11.31/U/ia64
** Command status when error occured: CURSOR ACTIVE
** Command text:
(0) 0xc00000001f26fff0 _Z13ucstkgentraceii
(1) 0xc00000001f2712e0 _Z23StackTraceForThisThreadPKciS0_S0_S0_
(2) 0xc00000002115a550 _ZN15hs_idxexceptionC1EPKciNS_12hs_idxerrorsEPK7s_indexjS1_S1_
(3) 0xc00000002115a1b0 _Z20hs_ThrowIdxExceptionPKciN15hs_idxexception12hs_idxerrorsEPK7s_indexjS0_S0_
(4) 0xc00000001f3b1360 _ZN15s_bArrayLocater32PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookaheadEyP12s_ridmap_rec
(5) 0xc00000001f3aec30 _ZN15s_bArrayLocater8LoadPageEy
(6) 0xc00000001f3b9f70 _ZN15s_bArrayLocater17LocateTokenRecordEy
(7) 0xc00000001f9fff50 _ZNK10hs_dpfetch10FetchTokenEy
(8) 0xc0000000223b61d0 _ZN12vpp_FindIter13DoOneWorkunitEj
(9) 0xc00000002238a150 _ZN12vpp_FindIter8ExecWorkERij
(10) 0xc00000001f1dd650 _ZN13workAllocator6DoWorkEj
(11) 0xc00000001f1def30 _ZN13workAllocator7sDoWorkEPS_j
(12) 0xc00000001f26c380 _ZN10hos_thread4MainEv
(13) 0xc00000001f06ad40 _ZN10hos_lwtask5StartEPS_
(14) 0xc000000015e02790 _Z15IQWorkerStarterPv
(inlined) _Z21Perform_Version_Checkji at engine/unix/unixmain.c:594
(15) 0xc000000017b73ee0 run_task_body
(16) 0xc0000000167968c0 _ZN8UnixTask8pre_bodyEPv
(17) 0xc00000000013fe80 __pthread_bound_body
IQ 16.0 SP10.08
HP-UXi 11.31
SAP IQ, s_barray, _ZN15s_bArrayLocater32PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookaheadEyP12s_ridmap_rec, s_bArrayLocater::PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookahead , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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