- In the sysdevices system table, the master device and the default tapedump devices have the vdevno value of 0.
1> select name, vdevno from sysdevices
2> go
name vdevno
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
master 0
tapedump1 0
tapedump2 0
sysprocsdev 1
test_dat 2
test_log 3
temp_dat 4
- In rare circumstance, the sysdevices table has other user devices with the vdevno value of 0 listed before master and tapedump devices.
1> select name, vdevno from sysdevices
2> go
name vdevno
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
fakedev 0
temp_dat 4
test_log 3
test_dat 2
sysprocsdev 1
master 0
tapedump1 0
tapedump2 0
- Dumping the master database raises error messages in BOTH ASE and Backup Server.
- Error in the ASE errorlog:
Error: 8006, Severity: 20, State: 1
ASE error detected by Backup Server. Refer to the preceding Backup Server message.
SQL causing error : dump database master to '/myfs/myuser/master.dmp'
- A stack trace following Error 8006 may include modules such as:
- Error in the Backup Server log:
Backup Server Internal Error: Device /myfs/myuser/sp136/data/master.dat: 4 is not a legal virtual block number.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
stacktrace, CR793666, CR#793666, 793666, as_interpret_rpc_return, Backup Server Internal Error, Device is not a legal virtual block number , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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