In the SAP Web Dispatcher or ICM trace file, after adding a new SubHandler, the following message appears:
HttpISubHandlerAdd: Added handler HttpModHandler(152cb90), slot=63, flags=12293) for /, active: 1, table 1572d00 >> MAX. number of SubHandlers reached
Adding HttpAuthHandler: PREFIX =/, PERMFILE=/usr/sap/XXX/SYS/global/security/data/xxxx.txt, FILTER=Standard >> Trying to add a new SubHandler
*** ERROR => HttpISubHandlerAdd: No more space for handler [http_hdl.c 363] >> The error is shown
*** ERROR => HttpParseAndAddSubHandler: HttpSubHandlerAdd failed for PREFIX =/, PERMFILE=/usr/sap/XXX/SYS/global/security/data/xxxx.txt, FILTER=Standard(rc=0) [http_plg.c 9558]
*** ERROR => HttpPlugInInit: initialization of authentication subhandler failed -> cannot continue [http_plg.c 1520]
IcmTriggerShutdown: Stopping process >> The Web Dispatcher shutdown
and the Web Dispatcher or ICM shutdown.
- ABAP platform
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- SAP Web Dispatcher
HttpISubHandlerAdd, No more space for handler, HTTP_SUB_HANDLER_MAX, Web Dispatcher, SAPWebDisp, WDP, ICM , KBA , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , Problem
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