- Upgraded/migrated BOMM 3.1 to Information Steward (IS) 4.2.
- Prior to migrating the BOMM 3.1 users/groups in the UML tool, it worked fine.
- After the migration, users of the default IS groups get blank main page while logon IS:
- The Administrators group doesn't get impacted (still works fine without the problem).
- The following error appears in the InformationSteward.Explorer.log when the issue happens:
[E] 2016-02-17 12:56:35.081 [Explorer][http-bio-8080-exec-27] Uncaught exception: com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.infostore.internal.InfoStoreException: Sorry, you do not have the right to 'Change preferences' (ID: 84) for 'xxxx' (ID: ####). Please contact your administrator if you require this right.
detail:Sorry, you do not have the right to 'Change preferences' (ID: 84) for 'xxxx' (ID: ####). Please contact your administrator if you require this right. The server supplied the following details: Security right violation encountered
- BOMM 3.1
- Information Steward 4.x
SAP Information Steward 4.0 ; SAP Information Steward 4.1 ; SAP Information Steward 4.2
blank, IS, BOMM, users, groups, preferences, migrate , KBA , EIM-IS-SVR , Information Steward - Administration/Server , Problem
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