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2281187 - Signal 11 or 10 at memtextlen() and memory corruption at mem_pageallocate() - SAP ASE


  • Execution of a stored procedure having XML data in a parameter list  (e.g. @var_xml text) caused Signal 11 in memtextlen() if it is used a previous cached plan.
    • The related statement inside the procedure may have the XML built-in function XMLTABLE and the function uses parameter @var_xml.
  • The procedure cache memory pool may be corrupted after segmentation fault in memtextlen().
    • Possible multiple stack traces from different sessions due to segmentation fault in mem_pageallocate() during memory allocation from the procedure cache memory pool.
    • May need to reboot ASE to clear the memory corruption.
  • If the diagserver binary can be used in a non-production environment, an application executing a stored procedure with an xml parameter and XML built-in function may show Error 638:

Error: 638, Severity: 20, State: 1
Memmove() was called with an address of 0x14d9bc000 - which is not allocated memory.
MEMMOVE error MEMMOVE_UNALLOC in file '/myfs/.../ase157sp13x/SMP/porttree/svr/sql/generic/source/sequencer/cast.c', line=3079

  • If the trace flag -711 (-T711) is turned on to initialize freed memory for dataserver, then it will show:
    • Signal 10 at address = 0xffffffffffffffff (freed memory, unallocated memory):

Current process (0x1b000e) infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)
Address 0x0000000080dbb4f4 (memtextlen+0x10), siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0xffffffffffffffff)

    • Followed by a stack trace with modules:

LeRetnCode LeXmlTableOp::_LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeOperator::LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeInsertOp::_LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeOperator::LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeEmittOp::_LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)
LeRetnCode LeOperator::LeOpOpen(ExeCtxt&)



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP13x prior to SP137
  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP02 prior to PL04


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


mem_pageallocate, memmove_sanity, TF711, segfault, segment, fault, access, violation, SIGSEGV, "bus error", stacktrace, builtin, recompile, CR795702, CR#795702, 795702, kisignal , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed

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