- During the export preparation phase of Software Provisioning Manager (sapinst) fails with an error message.
The R3ldctlExport.log shows an error like this one:
ERROR: db_ntab call (NT_RDFDBASE) failed for table M_DEBI
rc = 32
The name of the table is an example but always starts with M_ .
- It can also happens during an updagre with SUM, in this case the error would in phase PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK and similar to this:
The following errors were detected in the log files:
# Find the detailed information in log 'PNXXXXXX_NTACT_CHK.SID':
3 ETP000Xread nt "<M_tablename>":
2EETP000XRead table "<M_tablename>": pgntab call: table not found."
The name of the table always starts with M_
- All Operating systems
- All SWPM releases
- Export of a SAP system during a System copy
export preparation, SWPM, sapinst, R3ldctl, R3ldctlExport.log, sapinst_dev.log, system copy, migration, SUM, pgntab call, not found , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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