This behavior is seen on all the benefit focus demographic files which goto Benefit Focus SFTP which is sent across by the Standard "Packaged Integration: EC to BenefitFocus - Employee".
The field (Termination Reason (AH) is supposed to be defaulted to ‘V’ (Voluntary) when termination date (AG) is maintained and emplStatus is not Active(A).
Following is the sample screnshot:
Before January 18th 2016
After January 18th 2016:
Boomi,BizX,Benefit Focus
Reproducing the Issue
Execute Packaged Integration: EC to BenefitFocus - Employee process, all terminations do not have termination code as "V"
Root Cause For The Missing Data:
The event reason was sent other than D,V,I or G
Please maintain the event reason as D,G,I or V for the terminated employees.
Explanation for the above statement:
There was a new enhancement request from BenefitFocus for Termination Reason where it is no longer defaulted to 'V' Voluntary.
Please find the new release documentation ( Page 62 , Section 5.3 ) where this behavior is documented ( Note:"If no value in the lookup reference table is maintained then a blank value is picked from the table")
Customer have to map all EC - Termination reasons to D ,V , I or G in their BizX picklist.
How to Acheive it:
1. Log into Successfactors system
2. Goto Admin Center
3. Search for Picklist Management.
4. Export the picklists
5. Now for the picklistId= event-reason, please maintain externalCode as either D,G,I or V
For Example:
Note: If already these are maintained in the picklist, then please terminate the employees with only these four event reasons so that the standard interface would pick it up and transfer it in the outbound file.
See Also
KBA , no termination reason coming on benefit , LOD-SF-INT-BOM , Standard SF to 3rd Party Boomi Content , LOD-SF-INT-EC , Employee Central SFAPI & OData Entities , Problem