Are rules triggered on Mass Changes, for example an onSave rule for Job Relationship Info?
Employee Central - Mass Changes
Reproducing the Issue
Perform a Mass Change. Business rules were not triggered.
Mass Changes work off the import framework.
In order to trigger business rules of mass changes, you need to enable Business Rules on Job Information Imports.
In the 1802 release, the switch for Enable rules exection during Job Information and (GA) Termination Import is moved from Company System and Logo Settings to Role-Based Permissions. For more information please refer to article 2615455 - Job Information: Rule and Propagation on Import switches now migrated to Role-Based Permissions from Company System and Logo Settings (1802)
Note: Bussiness Rules are not triggered on any other element for Mass Changes other than JobInfo.
OnChange rules are triggered irrespective of whether the field is changed or not - This is currently the system behaviour of Imports/MassChange.
This is currently a limitation in the system, there is an Enhancement planned for the b2105 to bridge this limitation.
See Also
2615455 - Job Information: Rule and Propagation on Import switches now migrated to Role-Based Permissions from Company System and Logo Settings (1802)
Mass changes, Business rules, trigger, jobInfo, job information, ec, employee central, import, trigger rules,ECT-127551 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-EDP , Import Employee Data (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-EC-RBP , Roles & Permissions (EC Core only) , Problem