When you use Content Control functionality, then the font size of token value gets smaller in the generated Contract Document. For Example:
- Suppose you have maintained Font Size :12 in your Clause Document for all the content(including Variable token and text).
- In the generated Contract Document, The token value shrinks to Font Size:10.
SAP Sourcing 9.0 and SAP Contract Lifecycle Management 9.0
SAP Sourcing 10.0 and SAP Contract Lifecycle Management 10.0
SAP Sourcing 10.0 and SAP Contract Lifecycle Management 10.0 ; SAP Sourcing 9.0 and SAP Contract Lifecycle Management 9.0
Font Size,Formatting, Shrink,Contract Document, DOCX Service, New CG, Clause Document, Content Control, Variable, Token , KBA , SRM-ESO-CG , Contract Generation for SAP Sourcing & CLM , Bug Filed
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