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2288377 - Failed to create and add db file in IQ.


Failed to create or add db file due to below error in IQ.


Could not execute statement.
Cannot create or add file /home1/gjang/IQDEV/ for dbspace
HPIA16_MAIN_TEST until new readwrite space is added to dbspace
IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN to hold the new freelist.
-- (slib/s_trycatch.cxx 983)
SQLCODE=-1009064, ODBC 3 State="HY000"
Line 1, column 1



  • SAP IQ 16.0
  • SAP IQ 15.4
  • SAP Sybase IQ 15.3


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 ; Sybase IQ 12.7


SYBASE, IQ, DBSPACE, DB FILE, FILE, ADD, CREATE, Alter dbspace, Create dbspace, freelist, free list, IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN, space, Cannot create or add file , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , HAN-DYT , SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering , Problem

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