- Unable to access c:\documents and settings on the client machine
- Afaria 6.6 sever generates XRS1159 messages. Example follows:
- 12:00:40 AM","*-*-*","","XRS1159: ComApp: Restarting File:D:\ADC\OUTBOUND\*.DBF Offset:70436. EXPLANATION: A checkpoint restart started with a file which was partially transferred or has been appended to. The message reflects which file (and at what offset) the checkpoint restart resumed. ACTIONS: This message is for informational purposes only. No additional action is required.","afservice","INFO"
- "" Offset:363055
- "" Offset:2405401
- "" Offset:93346
- "" Offset:66955
- "" Offset:354430
- SAP Afaria 6.6
- Windows clients
SAP Afaria 6.6
Offset:363055, Offset:2405401, Offset:93346, Offset:66955, Offset:354430, XRS1159, Wildcard Gets, Client Privileges , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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