You want to use SAPPDFPRINT as described in SAP Note #1444342 - "Device type-independent printing of ADS forms" to print PDF spools.
Now when you print such a spool request only one part of the document is printed, or nothing is printed.
If you check the sapwin_*.log trace file you see this error:
Error: Version x.x.xxxxx.x of pdfprint.dll is not compatible.
- SAPSprint 740 and later
- SAPGUI 740 and later
- SAPPDFPRINT 740 and later
kompatibilität, versionsmanagment, inkompatibilität, Adobe Document Service, IFBA, interactive forms by Adobe, X86, X64 , KBA , 2600384 , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , Problem
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