- ASE log shows several messages related to number of connections every 24 hours:
Adaptive Server Enterprise User Connection Report.
Maximum number of User Accounts during current sample period: 572.
Maximum number of User Accounts since startup: 572.
Maximum Configured Number of User Connections during current sample period: 650.
Maximum Configured Number of User Connections since startup: 650.
Maximum Number of User Connections during current sample period: 547.
Maximum Number of User Connections since startup: 598.
Maximum number of user seat licenses used during current sample period: 169.
Maximum number of user seat licenses used since startup: 185.
- Why are these messages printed?
- Can these messages be suppressed?
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SYSAM 2.x
- Using SERVER license types
User Connection Report, syblicenseslog , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Product Enhancement
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