Unable to increase the value of IQGOVERN_PROIRITY option for an individual user.
Could not execute statement.
Invalid setting for option 'IQgovern_priority'
SQLCODE=-201, ODBC 3 State="42000"
Line 1, column 36
set option gjang.iqgovern_priority=1
The following options are related to setting query priority.
IQGOVERN_PRIORITY – Assigns a numeric priority (1, 2, or 3, with 1 being the highest) to queries waiting in the processing queue.
IQGOVERN_MAX_PRIORITY – Allows the DBA to set an upper boundary on IQGOVERN_PRIORITY for a user or a group.
IQGOVERN_PRIORITY_TIME – Allows high priority users to start if a high priority (priority 1) query has been waiting in the -iqgovern queue for more than a designated amount of time.
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 15.4
- SAP Sybase IQ 15.3
- SAP Sybase IQ 12.7
SYBASE, IQ, govern, priority, IQGOVERN_MAX_PRIORITY, IQGOVERN_PRIORITY, sp_iqcontext, Invalid setting for option 'IQgovern_priority', Invalid , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem
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