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2296593 - Fatal abort in AnnotateCtrl::AnnotateParseTree - SAP IQ16


While executing an IQ system procedure like sp_iqcontext, in some rare conditions, a fatal abort could occur in AnnotateCtrl::AnnotateParseTree.

Excerpt of the stack trace


**   SAP IQ Abort:
***      From:  stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1707
***      PID: 55336
***      Message: caught signal 11, program abort
***      Thread: 140307237979904  (TID: 34)

**  Parser command text: 
call "sp_iqcontext"() 

pc: 0x7f9bc629c3a2 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x32
pc: 0x7f9bc629ca11 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
pc: 0x7f9bc629dc5e DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x12e
pc: 0x7f9bc602a77e hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*)+0x19e
pc: 0x7f9bc6d77e5f SigHndlr+0x4f
pc: 0x38e600f710
pc: 0x7f9cfda98579 AnnotateCtrl::AnnotateParseTree()+0x4d9
pc: 0x7f9cfda989b8 AnnotateExpression(a_db_cursor*, a_statement*, a_base_expr*)+0xc8
pc: 0x7f9cfda469bd dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator::DoAnnotateAndBuild(a_statement*, a_base_expr*, dfv_Value&)+0x7d
pc: 0x7f9cfda481a5 dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator::AnnotateAndBuildPred(a_statement*, a_base_expr*)+0x25
pc: 0x7f9cfda3a669 exec_procedure_stmt(Connection*, a_context_ref*, a_statement*, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0xdb9
pc: 0x7f9cfda3af83 run_procedure(a_context_ref*, dfm_CallInfo*, unsigned int, Connection*, unsigned int)+0x353
pc: 0x7f9cfda3c471 dbi_resume_procedure(a_context_ref*, unsigned int)+0x61
pc: 0x7f9cfdaae87e handle_open(Connection*, a_stmt*, an_isolation_level, unsigned int)+0xee
pc: 0x7f9cfdaae97e do_cursor_execute(Connection*, a_stmt*)+0x3e
pc: 0x7f9cfdab8317 db__execute_any_imm(Connection*, an_sqlpres_receive*)+0x1c7
pc: 0x7f9cfdac5cf4 RequestProcedure::call()+0xcd4





This issue was seen on IQ 16 SP 8.29 Linux AMD64


SAP IQ 16.0


CR 797117 ; 797117 ; parse ; parser ; Annotation ; AnnotateCtrl::AnnotateParseTree ; AnnotateCtrl ; AnnotateParseTree ; AnnotateExpression ; dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator::DoAnnotateAndBuild ; dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator ; DoAnnotateAndBuild ; dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator::AnnotateAndBuildPred ; dfe_ProcedureExprEvaluator ; AnnotateAndBuildPred ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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