A Kapsel based application targeted to Windows 8.1 with SMP 3.0 SP08 is using SAML Authentication which also uses
"refreshSAMLSessionOnResume": "skip" feature to allow user logon in offline mode during application restart.
In order to handle the use case of password change, the application will show a logon screen to allow user to enter new credentials.
The application then calls sap.Logon.changePassword() API.
A call to sap.Logon.changePassword() does show a standard 'Change Password' screen and the API call is successful.
But afterwrads the authentication cookies are not reset.
- SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 3.0 SP08
- Kapsel based application
- Windows 8.1
KBA , kapsel , saml , refreshsamlsessiononresume , logoncontroller , maflogoncorecdvpluginerrordomain , maflogponcoreplugin , , backend , password , MOB-SDK-OOD , SAP Mobile SDK Offline OData Client , Problem
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