- Customer is importing a Netweaver 7.4 system in a fresh Windows 2012 R2 server but while importing he is getting the following errors
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:50 : CheckOSRequirementWindows.getOSName(): Server 2012 R2
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:50 : CheckOSRequirementWindows.getOSVersion(): os.version=6.3
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:50 : CheckOSRequirementWindows.getServicePack(): command = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion /reg:64
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckOSRequirementWindows.getServicePack(): exitStatus = 1
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckOSRequirementWindows.getServicePack(): output =
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.readVariables(): $CHECK_MSVCRT_RELEASE$=2010
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.readVariables(): $CHECK_MSVCRT_PATCH_VER$=10.0.40219.01
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.readVariables(): $CHECK_MSVCRT_PATCH_SPECIFIC_VER$=false
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.readVariables(): $CHECK_MSVCRT_BIT_SIZE$=64
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.readVariables(): $CHECK_WINDOWS_SERVICE_STATUS_VAR$=$MSVC2010SP1$
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.checkMSVC2010(): Get Version from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x64
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.checkMSVC2010(): Get Version from N/A
DEBUG>>> 03-22-16 21:36:51 : CheckMSVCRTAction.checkMSVC2010(): Can not find registry key.
- Windows 2012 64 bits
- Netweaver 7.4
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16
[Enter your Keywords here...] , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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