Yield () Function Call
- There is a behavior change of ‘type ahead characters’ while tabbing between user inputs. The behavior of the Yield() call changed between SAP PowerBuilder (PB) 11.5 and 12.1.
- In PB 11.5 and earlier, any characters typed during a Yield() call are automatically added to an input box when it receives focus.
- In PB 12.1 and later, the characters typed a Yield() call are truncated and input box is empty after it receives focus.
SAP PowerBuilder (PB) 12.1 and later
SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.6 ; Sybase PowerBuilder 11.5 ; Sybase PowerBuilder 12.0
yield, yieldsingle, typeahead, DW, recieved , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Problem
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