After installed SP10.11, a delete query encountered 's_dpidx.cxx:7241' error.
While deleting, two indexes were detected problem in allocation pages.
It's not sure if the table has been damaged or it was fine before the s_dpidx error.
DBA ran DBCC after the erro, but **_ITR_DY' checked as 'No error detected'.
After the delete job, in SP10.11, server detected the 's_dpidx.cxx' in index verification phase
and let the changes by delete job be rollbacked.
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 barray t1447 **_OVD_ACCN: CheckColumnEBMCoverage
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 barray t1447*** duplicate barray page in ridmap: 70
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 t1447 *** **_ITR_DY.ASIQ_IDX_T2100_C28_FP(bigint): multiple ridmap regions link to the same page.
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 ********************************************************
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 **
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 ** at slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7241 on thread 1447 (TID 1438)
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 t1424 *** **_ITR_DY.ASIQ_IDX_T2100_C43_FP(bigint): blockmap page allocation mismatch: 1808,1,1807,1
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 t1424 *** **_ITR_DY.ASIQ_IDX_T2100_C43_FP RidMap:
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 t1424 *** **_ITR_DY.ASIQ_IDX_T2100_C43_FP(bigint): blockmap page allocation mismatch: 1808,1,1807,1
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 Blockmap Member Variables for eaecacf78
I. 03/28 23:34:13. 0000009487 From slib/s_dpidx.cxx:572
* stack in *iqmsg =>
===== Thread Number 1447 (IQ connID: 0000009487) =====
.. void StackTraceForThisThread ..
.. void hs_dp::CheckIndexConsistency(int) ..
.. void hdb_delete_indices::Unit_of_Work(int)..
.. int hdb_delete_indices::hdb_delete_index_iter::ExecWork(int&,unsigned) ..
.. void workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned) ..
.. int hos_thread::Main() ..
.. int hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*) ..
.. void IQWorkerStarter(void*) ..
.. void*UnixTask::pre_body(void*) ..
IQ 16.0 SP10.x
"duplicate barray page in ridmap"; "s_dpidx.cxx" ; "CheckIndexConsistency" ; 'hdb_delete_indices" ; "ridmap overlap" ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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