You have created supplier invoice item XYZ-X referencing to a project task of a Customer Project with Sales Integration with posting date in period AAA.YYYY.
The expense is being assigned to a sales order item (either automatically or manually in the Not Invoiced Times and Expenses Screen or the Customer Project Invoice Request). This expense assignment triggers the generation of Customer Project Expense List (CPEL) ABC. The CPEL, however cannot be posted to accounting but appears in the Unposted Source Documents view of the General Ledger workcenter. The proposed posting date of the CPEL ABC is in in a much later period ZZZ.YYYY.
Also, the source document's error message in the Messages table states: Period AAA in fiscal year YYYY closed for closing step Operational postings.
You have verified that the sales order item posting date of the Sales order item assigned to the project task that the supplier invoice item is referencing to - is not later than the invoice posting date.
As period AAA.YYYY has been already closed for Operational Postings you are now trying to post CPEL ABC in the following period BBB.YYYY. This is not possible due to the error message: Business transaction for accounting for Customer Project Expense List ABC, version X with alternate posting date not processed. Alternate posting date must be after proposed posting date.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- In the General Ledger workcenter navigate to the Source Documents view. By default the Unposted Source Documents are displayed.
- Find the source document of type 555-Customer Project Expense List with ID ABC.
- In the Proposed Posting Date column a date in period ZZZ.YYYY is displayed.
- The error message in the Messages table states: Period AAA in fiscal year YYYY closed for closing step Operational postings.
- As period AAA.YYYY is closed for operational postings you now try to post the document into period BBB.YYYY via Actions - Post Business Transaction to Another Period.
- An error message appears: Business transaction for accounting for Customer Project Expense List ABC, version X with alternate posting date not processed. Alternate posting date must be after proposed posting date.
- To verify the posting dates of all involved transactions press on the CPEL ID ABC in the Source Document ID column.
- In the Reference Document field press on the link of supplier invoice XYZ. You ensure that the posting date of the invoice is in period AAA.YYYY.
- In the Items table press on the link in the Sales Order Item Reference column to open the sales order. You also verify that the posting date of the sales order item is not later than the posting date of supplier invoice XYZ.
Therefore you expect the Proposed Posting Date of CPEL ABC to be the same as the posting date of supplier invoice XYZ.
The PROPOSED POSTING DATE of the CPEL source document is derived as the greatest of the expense incurrence dates. This date is derived from the expense incurrence period of the original expense, here, supplier invoice item XYZ-X referencing to Purchase Order item DEF-Y with service period ending in period ZZZ.YYYY.
The service end date is derived from the Finishing Date of the referenced project task.
To verify the end date of the expense incurrence period:
- In supplier invoice XYZ navigate to the Items tab.
- Select the respective Item and go to the Basic Data sub-tab.
- Under Buyer Reference press on the Order ID/Item link DEF-Y.
- In the Purchase Order Items -Basic Data tab you can see the Service Period ending on a date in period ZZZ.YYYY.
- Now open the Account Assignment sub-tab and press on the Project Task link.
- In the Project Overview, you can now identify the project's Finishing Date in period ZZZ.YYYY. This is the reason for the proposed posting date of CPEL ABC.
The POSTING DATE of a CPEL, however, is derived from the posting date of the latest posting date of all involved transactions.
This means, that albeit the proposed posting date in period ZZZ.YYYY - the CPEL's posting date would have been in period AAA.YYYY (as per the expense posting date, here SIV XYZ) if the period AAA.YYYY had been open.
Posting according to Expense Posting Date:
The easiest way to solve this issue is by opening period AAA.YYYY for Operational Postings and then post the source document:
- After the period has been opened for operational postings navigate to the Source Documents view of the General Ledger workcenter.
- Select CPEL ABC and press Actions - Post Business Transaction.
Albeit the proposed posting date in period ZZZ.YYYY the CPEL has now been posted in period AAA.YYYY according to the latest posting date of all involved transactions, here of supplier invoice XYZ.
Posting to Another Period:
If it is not possible to open period AAA.YYYY for Operational Postings anymore forward a case to Support who will request our Development team to post the CPEL in period BBB.YYYY from the backend.
Prevent the proposed posting date to be derived from Customer Project Finishing Date:
Restrict the service period of the Purchase Request to a date in period AAA.YYYY:
- In the Project Management workcenter navigate to the Projects view.
- Select the respective Customer Project and press Edit - Products.
- In the Products tab go to the Products Overview sub-tab.
- Select the respective Service and press Create Purchase Request. Then select any of the displayed options, e.g. For Released Project Task.
- In the pop-up window the Details - General Data tab should be displayed.*
- In the Delivery To field enter a date in period AAA.YYYY. This date will be the service period end date of the resulting purchase order item, or else, the expense incurrence period end date of which the CPEL's proposed posting is going to be derived for follow-up documents.*
*You can define/amend the service period end date also in the resulting purchase order as long as there has been no follow-up document created.
CPEL, customer project expense list, proposed posting date , KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To