- Admin tries to remove translations for "audience" and "title" field that were set as Required fields in the record configuration,
- After removing additional translations beside Default English and saving, an error message comes up:
Learning Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
1. Navigate to SystemAdmin> Configuration> RecordConfiguration> select 'Item'
2. Set "Audience" and "title" as required fields,
3. Navigate to any item in the system,
4. Click view all and type e.g. JANKA in "audience" field and save
5. Click globe icon beside audience field and type another translation to any locale e.g. Brazilian Portuguese
6. Save it
7. Click globe icon beside audience in view all again and try to remove this additional locale,
8. Save
9. Error message comes up
- The system behaves as expected because Brazilian Portuguese locale was set up when this field was set as required,
- Therefore if you want to remove it, the system will always ask for any value as the field is required ,
- System behaves as expected but for urgent issues there is a workaround to set up the fields "audience" and "title" as non required and remove translations
- To set fields as non required:
- navigate to SystemAdmin> Configuration> RecordConfiguration
- Select "Item" as a record to configure
- uncheck fields that should not be required in "display" part on right side of the screen
- click SAVE to save your changes
- Translations of Title and Audience cannot be deleted, label field required, locale , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem