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2299519 - Variant selection (Connector ID, User Type, User Group) not working in UAR Request generation


1. Variant selection (e.g. Connector ID, User Type, User Group, and etc.) is not working as expected in UAR Request Data generation.
2. In the GRC Background Scheduler, the usage of the ‘Connector ID’ Parameter in the ‘Select Variant’ Screen works when the ‘Generate UAR for Business Roles’ option is unchecked.
3. When Connector-ID is used in combination of other Variants (e.g. User Group), not all UAR results are getting generated as expected.



SAP GRC Access Controls 10.X


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1


KBA , uar req gen variant selection issue , GRC-SAC-UAR , User Access Review , Problem

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