When attempting to delete a User in transaction SU01 or multiple Users in transaction SU10 (or from tr. SOCP) message "Database error deleting from table adrp_uuid_index - AM840" is thrown and no deletion will take place.
Depending on the table that has the inconsistency the error message could be
- "Database error deleting from table adrc_uuid_index"
OR - "Database error deleting from table adrp_uuid_index"
OR - "Database error deleting from table adcp_uuid_index"
- SAP NetWeaver
- Release 730, 731, 740, 750
adrp_uuid_index, UUID, ADRP, AM840, AM 840, delete, user, su01, Su10 , KBA , BC-SRV-ADR , Address Management / Business Address Services , Problem
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